Autzen Stadium: Fans allowed in this year?

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Re: Autzen Stadium: Fans allowed in this year?

Post by Duck07 »

Phalanx wrote:
Tray Dub wrote: Did you just say he's less invested in fatherhood than others? I hope I'm misreading that.
Oh no, are you offended? Having wet dreams about rural Republicans dying of Covid is fine, but God forbid I should mention that others have been fathers of more kids and for a much larger portion of their lives. That's enough to make a perpetual lurker take umbrage and post some mock indignation. :lol:
This is really inane and the attempt to try and make something "personal" doesn't bolster the argument you're trying to make. Hell for all any of us know Pez is going to end up as OctoDad when he thinks he's only going for kid #2. We're at the point most of us regulars have all been here for a decade so lets remember that too.


The #1 reason I won't be getting the vaccine is because I can still contract Sars-Cov-2 afterwards. The figures for Herd Immunity are all projections to say nothing of the inherent issues/fallacy of Herd Immunity. A common complaint today is still about the accuracy of the test, how a lack of Cycle Threshold measurements were observed and that the recent change to lower CT's has changed everything.

My personal dissatisfaction over the last year is not at my fellow Americans but the extremely Partisan effort of our Politicians who failed us at the Federal Level. We the People have collectively suffered and while there are issues at the various State Levels, the States cannot print/issue money/credit only the Federal Reserve. The D's and R's gave it all away to the large Corporations while the People suffered and got nothing. They locked us all down while not paying us to go along with it and pretty soon, people will lose what they have and it will be bought for pennies on the dollar by those corporations who just took Trillions from the D's and the R's.

I'm very cynical about where we're going and in many ways, I think there is going to be a visceral reaction to the grandeur of collegiate sports on its face versus the seedy underbelly of economic disparity around us, especially for the labor pool that makes up those student-athletes. Peak College Football/Sports may have come and gone.
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Re: Autzen Stadium: Fans allowed in this year?

Post by mrpd21 »

Duck07 wrote:
Phalanx wrote:
Tray Dub wrote: Did you just say he's less invested in fatherhood than others? I hope I'm misreading that.
Oh no, are you offended? Having wet dreams about rural Republicans dying of Covid is fine, but God forbid I should mention that others have been fathers of more kids and for a much larger portion of their lives. That's enough to make a perpetual lurker take umbrage and post some mock indignation. :lol:
This is really inane and the attempt to try and make something "personal" doesn't bolster the argument you're trying to make. Hell for all any of us know Pez is going to end up as OctoDad when he thinks he's only going for kid #2. We're at the point most of us regulars have all been here for a decade so lets remember that too.


The #1 reason I won't be getting the vaccine is because I can still contract Sars-Cov-2 afterwards. The figures for Herd Immunity are all projections to say nothing of the inherent issues/fallacy of Herd Immunity. A common complaint today is still about the accuracy of the test, how a lack of Cycle Threshold measurements were observed and that the recent change to lower CT's has changed everything.

My personal dissatisfaction over the last year is not at my fellow Americans but the extremely Partisan effort of our Politicians who failed us at the Federal Level. We the People have collectively suffered and while there are issues at the various State Levels, the States cannot print/issue money/credit only the Federal Reserve. The D's and R's gave it all away to the large Corporations while the People suffered and got nothing. They locked us all down while not paying us to go along with it and pretty soon, people will lose what they have and it will be bought for pennies on the dollar by those corporations who just took Trillions from the D's and the R's.

I'm very cynical about where we're going and in many ways, I think there is going to be a visceral reaction to the grandeur of collegiate sports on its face versus the seedy underbelly of economic disparity around us, especially for the labor pool that makes up those student-athletes. Peak College Football/Sports may have come and gone.

100% spot on, thank you for this post.
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Re: Autzen Stadium: Fans allowed in this year?

Post by rentdodger »

Duck07 wrote:
Phalanx wrote:
Tray Dub wrote: Did you just say he's less invested in fatherhood than others? I hope I'm misreading that.
Oh no, are you offended? Having wet dreams about rural Republicans dying of Covid is fine, but God forbid I should mention that others have been fathers of more kids and for a much larger portion of their lives. That's enough to make a perpetual lurker take umbrage and post some mock indignation. :lol:
This is really inane and the attempt to try and make something "personal" doesn't bolster the argument you're trying to make. Hell for all any of us know Pez is going to end up as OctoDad when he thinks he's only going for kid #2. We're at the point most of us regulars have all been here for a decade so lets remember that too.


The #1 reason I won't be getting the vaccine is because I can still contract Sars-Cov-2 afterwards. The figures for Herd Immunity are all projections to say nothing of the inherent issues/fallacy of Herd Immunity. A common complaint today is still about the accuracy of the test, how a lack of Cycle Threshold measurements were observed and that the recent change to lower CT's has changed everything.

My personal dissatisfaction over the last year is not at my fellow Americans but the extremely Partisan effort of our Politicians who failed us at the Federal Level. We the People have collectively suffered and while there are issues at the various State Levels, the States cannot print/issue money/credit only the Federal Reserve. The D's and R's gave it all away to the large Corporations while the People suffered and got nothing. They locked us all down while not paying us to go along with it and pretty soon, people will lose what they have and it will be bought for pennies on the dollar by those corporations who just took Trillions from the D's and the R's.

I'm very cynical about where we're going and in many ways, I think there is going to be a visceral reaction to the grandeur of collegiate sports on its face versus the seedy underbelly of economic disparity around us, especially for the labor pool that makes up those student-athletes. Peak College Football/Sports may have come and gone.
Interesting post........that’s a broad lake you address measuring an inch deep(not a criticism of any of your points).

In regards to the vaccine:

-Getting covid after the vaccine can happen. New variants will probably guarantee that. What the vaccine does seem to do is take serious cases/death off the table. Future Boosters will most likely address those variants. Cases are down here in Az. as more people get vaccinated. Arizona has had 8x the deaths that Oregon had with 2x the population base.

-Herd immunity is a pretty aspirational term that is most likely not ever going to happen for various reasons. We have a population segment that does not have the discipline or desire to accomplish this. Just a fact whether you like it or not. Either side lecturing each other is a waste of time. If you choose not to vaccinate......your call, just don’t whine if there are consequences.

-The irony of my neighbor flying his US and Trump flag at half mast because he lost his wife to covid says a lot about where this country is at.

Many of us are not high risk and active but not everybody you come in contact with is that fortunate. That is my reason for my getting the vaccine and feel good about that choice.

The rest of the topics in your post better addressed in a “War and Peace” type discussion for another forum.

I will be going to a couple of games this year and will feel that proper precautions will allow that.
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Re: Autzen Stadium: Fans allowed in this year?

Post by pezsez1 »

I am glad that you are experiencing fatherhood, but there are entire communities of people WAY more invested in that institution than you will ever be
Haha, your whole post was complete trash but this line really takes the cake. :lol: I must have accidentally kicked your kitten while running or something.
Hell for all any of us know Pez is going to end up as OctoDad when he thinks he's only going for kid #2. We're at the point most of us regulars have all been here for a decade so lets remember that too.
Zero chance of this happening! My son required an egg donor, a surrogate, IVF, legal agreements, a ton of luck, and probably close to $100k. He's my moon shot. I didn't just trip over the laundry basket and fall on my wife one day. :lol: Makes Phalanx's unhinged "you're not invested!" rant even more hilariously silly. I'd love to live in a community with that many people who are MORE invested than me.


Now, back to the topic.... just saw on CNN (clutch those pearls, Phalanx!) that CA is allowing arenas to reopen with restrictions in April. I'm assuming this means fans being allowed into sports venues. If that's the case, then yes, fans in the stands this fall looks pretty likely.
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Re: Autzen Stadium: Fans allowed in this year?

Post by OregonFan4Life »

Phalanx wrote:Pez, you lost me at Republican hotbeds of COVID outbreaks and deaths. Your ultra-partisan lense for viewing the world blinds you to who is actually refusing vaccinations and why, and your projections for people to die that you don't agree with is in poor taste. It has nothing to do with political party - Trump was the one pushing the vaccine as a solution for months.

You mention 'sacrificing for the greater good' and being ready to move on, and I think you miss in your political blinders that everyone around you has been in that same situation. I am glad that you are experiencing fatherhood, but there are entire communities of people WAY more invested in that institution than you will ever be, and yet they come to a different conclusion about how to manage the virus problem. I know I'm trying to get blood from a turnip, but maybe try considering why that is and stop posting like a snot-nosed ideologue.
Where in the world do you get the idea Pez isn't as invested in fatherhood as others simply because of a post on an anonymous sports forum? The first part I sort of agree with, simply because this isn't exactly a Republican vs Democrat issue, cause I voted for Trump and am waiting to get the vaccine and I have friends that voted for Biden that are in the same boat as me, so I can understand that perspective and you should've stopped there. But to expand and call his investment into fatherhood into question? What?! You definitely aren't the first person to get personal on this forum (heck, I'm sure a ton have been directed at me, I was called even called racist on this forum fairly recently) and you certainly won't be the last, but I truly don't understand how some people on this forum believe they can draw a conclusion about another poster's character simply by what they post.
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Re: Autzen Stadium: Fans allowed in this year?

Post by Phalanx »

Well, I agree to some extent with 07 that one ought not to get too personal in a conversation like this, but seriously, egg donor, etc? How is any of that relevant? I mean aside from some kind of plea for sympathy? Lots of people have to overcome such obstacles -it doesn't have anything to do with what I was talking about. Pez has been very critical for months about people who don't jump through all the quarantine hoops - I guess I could talk about health problems that prevent people I know from wearing a mask, or teenagers on the verge of suicide like the kid in Lake O and try to make you feel bad, but that is really a weak way to make a case.

My comment about investment is not about dollars spent trying to get pregnant. What a silly, superficial interpretation. I am talking, for example, about Slavic communities who don't trust governments and their edicts (it's why a lot of them came here in the first place), and who find vaccines a compromise of their God-given immunity systems. They often have large families and have to make decisions not just for themselves, but for a large group of people. I'm not trying to be too personal, but Pez, you clearly don't have the maturity to be in that position, and you likely never will. You think that a month or two into parenthood you can pop off about people who have been making difficult decisions for many years, and that is a joke to me, being now old enough to see the massive effort it takes to lead such families. So if YOU want to clutch your pearls at my horrible judgmental attitude (right after you delete comments about trailer parks and third cousins), that's fine, but at least address what I am actually saying, rather than some stupid straw man having to do with how much money you spent, etc. Or by all means, prove me wrong and adopt a bunch of kids. As soon as you post a picture of you with your large family, I will happily accept the chastening I am due.

The sad part about musing that pockets of rural Republicans will die of Covid is that the reality is most often the opposite. It's the urban liberals who have been hit the hardest and will continue to be in the most danger going forward. It's also urban liberals who will demand that everyone alter their lifestyles to appease them. It's sad that everyone doesn't get to decide for themselves - the fearful will always try to use the strong arm of the government and businesses to force the behaviour they want.
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Re: Autzen Stadium: Fans allowed in this year?

Post by nogerO »

Phalanx wrote:Pez, you lost me at Republican hotbeds of COVID outbreaks and deaths. Your ultra-partisan lense for viewing the world blinds you to who is actually refusing vaccinations and why, and your projections for people to die that you don't agree with is in poor taste. It has nothing to do with political party - Trump was the one pushing the vaccine as a solution for months.

You mention 'sacrificing for the greater good' and being ready to move on, and I think you miss in your political blinders that everyone around you has been in that same situation. I am glad that you are experiencing fatherhood, but there are entire communities of people WAY more invested in that institution than you will ever be, and yet they come to a different conclusion about how to manage the virus problem. I know I'm trying to get blood from a turnip, but maybe try considering why that is and stop posting like a snot-nosed ideologue.
Just wow! Pretty easy to trigger some of you O'boner fans.
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Re: Autzen Stadium: Fans allowed in this year?

Post by lmduck »

nogerO wrote:
Phalanx wrote:Pez, you lost me at Republican hotbeds of COVID outbreaks and deaths. Your ultra-partisan lense for viewing the world blinds you to who is actually refusing vaccinations and why, and your projections for people to die that you don't agree with is in poor taste. It has nothing to do with political party - Trump was the one pushing the vaccine as a solution for months.

You mention 'sacrificing for the greater good' and being ready to move on, and I think you miss in your political blinders that everyone around you has been in that same situation. I am glad that you are experiencing fatherhood, but there are entire communities of people WAY more invested in that institution than you will ever be, and yet they come to a different conclusion about how to manage the virus problem. I know I'm trying to get blood from a turnip, but maybe try considering why that is and stop posting like a snot-nosed ideologue.
Just wow! Pretty easy to trigger some of you O'boner fans.
It's unfortunate that you seem to lack the ability to share your opinion in a thoughtful and insightful manner. I've seen your posts on other boards and you sure don't deviate from your script.

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Re: Autzen Stadium: Fans allowed in this year?

Post by pezsez1 »

The sad part about musing that pockets of rural Republicans will die of Covid
Wow, Phalanx, again you posted nothing but flailing attacks and hyper-partisan trash. You've also demonstrated this conversation has far exceeded your reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.

I never "mused" about republicans dying. You're just mega-triggered and, honestly, I don't know why. Literally everyone else in this thread has been able to incorporate politics into the discussion without spiraling out of control.

Maybe just sit this one out and let the adults talk.

EDIT: Yes, out of courtesy, I did delete a comment inferring that you were a cousin-****ing inbred because I didn't want any other conservatives on this board thinking I was talking about anyone other than just you. (Maybe that's why you're so triggered.) ;)
Last edited by pezsez1 on Sat Mar 06, 2021 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Autzen Stadium: Fans allowed in this year?

Post by greenyellow »

Can we stay away from the personal attacks and the partisan politics that have just been tiring the past year or so?
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Re: Autzen Stadium: Fans allowed in this year?

Post by pezsez1 »

Can we stay away from the personal attacks and the partisan politics that have just been tiring the past year or so?
I would LOVE for this thread to be clear of personal attacks. Feel free to remove all posts containing them. No complaints from me.

As for politics, this is one of those topics that is deeply interconnected with politics at the state and federal level -- and most people here are perfectly capable of expressing their views without flying off the rails. The one or two people who can't do this should dismiss themselves from the convo and not ruin it for the rest of us.
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Re: Autzen Stadium: Fans allowed in this year?

Post by mrpd21 »

greenyellow wrote:Can we stay away from the personal attacks and the partisan politics that have just been tiring the past year or so?
A. Most think Pez is a flaming heart Lib

B. He's a guy, father, Duck fan and friend first. Nothing but love to you Pez, enjoy being a dad!!!
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Re: Autzen Stadium: Fans allowed in this year?

Post by pezsez1 »

B. He's a guy, father, Duck fan and friend first. Nothing but love to you Pez, enjoy being a dad!!!
Thanks! Same to you and to most others on this forum. And yes, I'm savoring every moment of parenthood! My son really was my moon shot, and I can't believe how much had to go exactly right for so long in order for him to be here. It's absolutely crazy!
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Re: Autzen Stadium: Fans allowed in this year?

Post by Phalanx »

pezsez1 wrote:
Wow, Phalanx, again you posted nothing but flailing attacks and hyper-partisan trash. You've also demonstrated this conversation has far exceeded your reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.

I never "mused" about republicans dying. You're just mega-triggered and, honestly, I don't know why. Literally everyone else in this thread has been able to incorporate politics into the discussion without spiraling out of control.

Maybe just sit this one out and let the adults talk.

EDIT: Yes, out of courtesy, I did delete a comment inferring that you were a cousin-****ing inbred because I didn't want any other conservatives on this board thinking I was talking about anyone other than just you. (Maybe that's why you're so triggered.) ;)
Pretty much everything in this post applies more to you than to me (not sure about the thing with the cousins, but you would know best about that), and that is fitting, since you were the one who engaged me with your ultra-partisan rhetoric rather than vice-versa. I have no idea what 'triggered' that like when someone calls into question your maturity level and you proceed to cast aspersions on his heritage/marriage? Speaking of reading comprehension - do you know what the word 'muse' even means? Here is a definition from Mr. Webster:

to become absorbed in thought especially : to think about something carefully and thoroughly

Are you saying that you posted about rural republicans possibly getting sick and dying without thinking it through carefully and thoroughly? I think it's possible we may be reaching a point of agreement.

My original comment was that it doesn't sound like a very attractive prospect to be compelled to wear a mask while sitting through an entire football game, and that I probably will be watching television instead, at least until a critical mass of people are satiated enough to overcome their fear, as is becoming the case in other states right now. I also expressed doubt that 70% of people will be vaccinated in our area. This is the comment that drew an ultra-partisan response from Pez. His posts throughout this thread read like those of a paid propagandist for the government, and he couldn't just let what I said stand. So Pez, you are certainly welcome to try again, sans the ultra-partisan garbage about rural Republicans getting sick and dying, or you can just move on. Contrary to your apparent belief, you don't control the conversation here.

I was also wondering about something you said earlier in this thread about having had you mind if I ask how you got it? You hadn't had it last time we conversed about this in the conversation where you were deifying Andrew Cuomo as a model for handling the virus, so am I correct in reading that you have had it since then? Nobody in my family has had it yet, and I am just asking in case there are further behaviors I can avoid in order to do my part to stop the spread, and thereby avoid the resentment you expressed earlier for people resisting being part of the solution. I mean, I would hate it if you resented me - who knows what things might come to your mind to say about me and/or my wife and children?

So anyway, did you get it despite wearing masks in public or maintaining social distancing? Any tips on this would be much appreciated. If it's not too personal, that is.
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Re: Autzen Stadium: Fans allowed in this year?

Post by Alan »

How bout them Ducks!?