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Re: Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 9:36 pm
by lukeyrid13
rpmunn wrote:How does the salary cap change over the years? Is it always going to be the same or does it fluctuate?
As of right now the plan is a 30 million salary cap with a hard cap at 50 million.

Re: Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 9:41 pm
by rpmunn
lukeyrid13 wrote:
rpmunn wrote:How does the salary cap change over the years? Is it always going to be the same or does it fluctuate?
As of right now the plan is a 30 million salary cap with a hard cap at 50 million.
What is the difference between a salary cap and a hard cap?

Re: Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:01 pm
by tales
rpmunn wrote:
lukeyrid13 wrote:
rpmunn wrote:How does the salary cap change over the years? Is it always going to be the same or does it fluctuate?
As of right now the plan is a 30 million salary cap with a hard cap at 50 million.
What is the difference between a salary cap and a hard cap?
I think the salary cap means you can't sign any new players if it puts you over 30 million, but you can re-sign your own players and go over the 30 million as long as you have the bird rights. 50 million is the max.

Re: Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:14 pm
by lukeyrid13
Tales is right about the hard cap, you absolutely cannot spend more than 50 million on your team. If you do you will need to make trades immediately to alleviate yourself of cap hits or face very stiff penalties.

With a salary cap over 30 you can sign your own players to any contract if you have bird rights. You may also sign:

1 free agent to a Mid-Level contract - 1 year 4.5 million

1 free agent to a League exception - 1 year 1.2 million

Minimum contracts, you may sign as many players as you have roster spots.

Re: Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:27 pm
by Zyme
I thought we were doing double the SC so 60?

Re: Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:37 pm
by lukeyrid13
It's not set in stone yet, but 50 is what we last agreed on so I'd plan accordingly for that(although approaching either number would take quite an effort).

Re: Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:57 pm
by pudgejeff
lukeyrid13 wrote:It's not set in stone yet, but 50 is what we last agreed on so I'd plan accordingly for that(although approaching either number would take quite an effort).
I was gonna say, getting to 50 would be a tall task.

Re: Questions Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 11:01 pm
by Zyme
ya with 50 you would have to have 5 players at the tope end of max deal.

Re: Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:04 pm
by Brophdog88
Only guys between 17-19 can gain potential in a TC...if a guy is 20 for the TC, he will not gain, and will lose. General range at that point is pretty safe to be between 7-11 points, dont recall ever seeing a guy hold potential at 20 on. Guys in the creation draft will be weird, since its likely they didnt necessarily start with 50 on the dot. Still, saying 29-30 is a bit early, it depends on the player...Athletic types will decline faster, but guys who rely on high inside, outside, will see that hang around alot longer. Guys who are fast strong and jump high will see their ratings decline quicker, but if they have good inside (for bigs), good outside (for wings, inside is great here too for wings), they will last pretty long scoring wise.

Re: Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:34 pm
by Brophdog88
I used to be really good at these, so Im gonna offer up some advice written when I was really good, to anybody that wants to take it. This is how I ran teams back then (now Im alot slower to make moves)
  • Consider your picks to be gold...dont trade them unless you are absolutely sure you can and will other words, wait until your team, and the plan for your team, takes shape...dont be dealing off futures in the first or second year of your CY, when you are not sure where you are going to be at, and whats going to be winning. If you fail to win...not having picks leaves you with no flexibility.
  • While tanking, it is ok to get attached to your players, nothing wrong with that, however, you WILL have to trade some of them to win...If you have to, pick one guy as your main guy, keep him, then deal for fits around him.
  • Draft BPA in the lotto, dont go for need until you are picking outside the lotto.
  • Make sure you get yourself cap room, as it is huge each offseason to at least have the shot at something, and even if you strike out, HC bailouts can get you talent too.
  • Dont sit on your team forever. While its always nice to load up on youth, eventually you will in fact have to pay that youth, and if you wait too long, those contracts start to add up fairly quick. Its best to take advantage of the time you have talented players on a rookie deal, and surround them with older guys who may make quite a bit. Just make sure you dont cripple your ability to resign your rookies.
  • Your picks are gold, if you are gonna rebuild, its worth it to get at least three back....remember, you dont have to have all your picks, just make sure you have a rebuild window.
  • Dont be afraid to make a big move, however, avoid making a move for an unproven player, try to make your move for a guy who you KNOW can win...moving unproven players and picks for a sure thing is always nice.
  • If you ever find yourself with a glut of talent, and see a guy you really want...dont be afraid to overpay, that last piece that can put you over the top is worth it, especially if you win a title, but even if it carries you to 50, thats four more years before you have to worry.
  • Avoid going over the Hardcap, obvious, but Tmac doesnt understand this.
  • If you see a guy in the draft you really like, dont be afraid to make that move either...if he busts it sucks, but oh well, just remember that your picks are unless you can win, dont risk it.
  • Dont hang on to long thinking that the next year is your year....unless your team is young, as it gets older, its just gonna get worse, salaries get tougher to manage, and the HC becomes a problem, rebuild when you think the odds of a title are low, or, if you have a piece of youth, suck it up, take that one last shot, make a move. Just know that the hardcap, unless you continually steal nice picks, will stop anybodies run.
  • Its more fun to rebuild through players, but a ton of picks is no worse, especially off in the future...unlike a player, picks pretty much always have trade value, and a run of consecutive picks from a team could give you a leg up when said team, or any team, starts to rebuild...also, all those picks are a player, and there is always the possibility that you get someone nice, any pick in the top 20 is pretty good.
  • If I havent already listed this one....once your team is a consistent winner, and your stats look nice (check the team stats page, specifically check defense and rebounding, title teams play great D and rebound well, offense is nice, but offense gets shut down in a 7 game series against a good defensive team, rebounding margin is way more important than total rebounds, and of course turnover margin) dont be afraid to use your picks to get yourself a title, its better to take that shot and miss than to sit and never have the shot....if you overpay so be prepared to deal players for your picks back once the window closes though.

Re: Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:42 pm
by lukeyrid13
^ BTW I can vouch for broph, he is the most experienced GM here. You should definitely take his advice.

Re: Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:45 pm
by Brophdog88
lukeyrid13 wrote:^ BTW I can vouch for broph, he is the most experienced GM here. You should definitely take his advice.
heh, I grabbed this from my PM to you back in the UOSL4 days.

Re: Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:50 pm
by dd10snoop28
I would have won a title in one of the UOSL's if I had this guide. Sheesh. ;-)

Re: Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:50 pm
by lukeyrid13
Haha that is awesome. I noticed the shot you took at tmacz in there and figured it was from that time.

Re: Questions Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:51 pm
by Brophdog88
this league has some different rules, I tried to edit, but I wasnt gonna read through that whole thing

I came outta retirement for this league. First league was Mops/Duckys first attempt at a C4Q league