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01 SFs

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:28 pm
by Oregon Ownage
Shane Battier B- C+ C B- C B
He’s not a volume shooter but he can get his own shot and is very efficient with his touches. Battier is a standout defender who moves his feet well and has very quick hands. His plus wingspan and great anticipation make him disruptive in the passing lanes. Overall, good potential

Rodney White B- C C B- C B
He plays with power and can even slide over and play multiple positions. His defense and transition game will be his calling card at the next level. A great rebounder and defender who needs to find an outside shot to make it in the League. Good potential

Kedrick Brown C+ B+ C- B C C
He’s got a quick, pure release and a shooter's mentality. Brown is a great catch and shoot player who can also get his shot off the dribble. He can pull up deep behind the 3pt line and is always a threat to let it fly. Good all around defender. Solid potential

Richard Jefferson B- C C C+ C A
One of the reaches in the draft. Jefferson could definitely be the top player in the draft. But with that said, it will take a lot of distractions from the other top prospects. Amazing athleticism. Good inside scorer. Solid jump shooter. Defensively, he will have to continue to develop his perimeter defense. Amazing raw potential

Gerald Wallace C+ C- C C+ C A
Very athletic. On defense he’s purely a wing, lacking the strength and power to guard in the paint and lacking top end agility to stay with guards. Can he become an all around SF will be the question scouts wonder. Makes highlight reel dunks. Guards the ball like an assassin. Will need to continue improving to be an effective player. Amazing raw potential

Terence Morris C+ B C- B+ C C
Three and D who excels at guarding the paint and outside. Great athlete who uses his size well to close down space and apply pressure defensively. Average potential.

Bobby Simmons C+ C+ C B C B
Another solid defender but Simmons will be able to provide some offense compared to others in his class. Prefers to play inside the arch though and outside shooting teams should look elsewhere. Good potential.

Jamario Moon C+ C- C C D+ A
Played last season at a JUCO but scouts were impressed with his potential and upside. Top end athlete who has elite speed and strength but needs to work on his basketball skills to become a great player. Great potential.

Andrés Nocioni C B C B C B
Another import from Argentina who plays from arch to arch. Not a fan of the paint and will post up and knock down three pointers and defend the arch well. Good potential.