Benefit Bar (Please Read)

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Benefit Bar (Please Read)

Post by AJ_U »

Hey guys,

I came upon a really cool opportunity to raise money back for this site and it will cost you the user only a minute or two a day!

A Benefit Bar is a tool bar that goes along with firefox or IE. This company has partnered with Yahoo search so every time you make a search with the bar and click on one of the sponsored links, which will be at the top of the search results page, 10 cents in given to Ducks Attack. If we can have 200 people doing 5 sponsored searches a day (10 cents X 200 people X 5 times a day) we will be getting around $100 a day!!

I know that is a lofty goal but I feel that we have not been providing all of you with the most information we could and if we can get some funds on board we can grow our resources and get more information back to you the fan!

Best of all the bar contains some very helpful links at the top like a one click button to the forums.

The bar will cut you off after about 2 sponsored searches in a row so do a few wait 10 minutes then go back and do some more!

So please download the bar and tell ALL of your friends.

So here is how this works:

1. Download the toolbar here
2. Install it into IE or FierFox
3. Start making searches and click on sponsored links
4. Spread the word of the bar to all your friends

If you have any questions don't hesitate to send me a PM!

Thank you all in advanced for helping us out!
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Re: Benefit Bar (Please Read)

Post by AJ_U »

Since this has been launched we have $1.40 in profit.

I know this will start slow but if you guys can simply do one search when you start your browser, one when you go to visit a new website and then one right before you close your browser it will make a big impact!

Remember for us to get the ten cents you have to click on a sponsored result and let the page fully load.

Spread the word and believe me, Only good can come from this!

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Re: Benefit Bar (Please Read)

Post by SuperDuck »

Hi Guys,

Why don't you just place Google Adsense ads on the site? Better yet, join an affiliate network like Commission Junction at or Share A Sale and place links and banners to related topics like football gear, Nike stuff and other sports related stuff. Even has knockoff Duck gear like jerseys and hats. You'll make up to $25.00 every time someone signs up for an account there!

I make a living full-time online just from casually recommending stuff on my own websites. It's not hard to do either, just place links and banners in full view on your pages where what you're recommending is related to the content. Example; football gear in the football forums, basketball in the basketball forum, etc.

It's much better way to go and you don't have to ask anyone to download anything. I use Google exclusively for my searches, not Yahoo.

Good luck!

John 3:36
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