Will there be a football season?

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Re: Will there be a football season?

Post by Tray Dub »

lukeyrid13 wrote:I'm not trying to argue or anything, I legitimately want to have a discussion about it since I seem to be in the minority with my personal perceptions...

Do you have link showing potentially 1.5 million deaths?

Infection and death rates in: China, South Korea and Japan are all slowing. The total number of present cases pales in comparison to that of flu/influenza. The mortality rate is higher, I won't dispute that but the prevalence, at least for now is nowhere close.

The flu this year: (USA only)
- 29 million infected
- 280k hospitalized
- 16k died

Maybe the lesson is we should take the flu more seriously but the snowball effect of shutting down the world just doesn't compute for me personally yet.
Adding on to Duck07's link, here's a study done by English researchers at Imperial College that said in an unmitigated epidemic (i.e. in which we didn't do anything to stop it), they projected "approximately 510,000 deaths in GB and 2.2 million in the US, not accounting for the potential negative effects of health systems being overwhelmed on mortality."

More importantly, they also estimated that if we only tried to quarantine sick people but didn't implement population-wide social distancing measures, "the surge limits for both general ward and ICU beds would be exceeded by at least 8-fold under the more optimistic scenario for critical care requirements that we examined. In addition, even if all patients were able to be treated, we predict there would still be in the order of 250,000 deaths in GB, and 1.1-1.2 million in the US."

The UK abandoned their "build up herd immunity" strategy in part based on those findings.
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Re: Will there be a football season?

Post by OregonFan4Life »

Duck07 wrote:
OregonFan4Life wrote: The reactions from President Trump, state governors, the media, and a large part of the population has been excessive and in my honest opinion will cause more death in the long run than the coronavirus ever would.
A lot of us are tired of people like you who continue to act with your head in the sand over this too. China and South Korea went to extreme measures to contain this and we're not. Seattle is already Ground Zero for the US with zero containment done. I understand most people don't get Exponential Growth and want to focus on the smallest projections possible but that's a terrible idea for obvious reasons.
I don't see my head in the sand at all, I just think this is a really tough situation that needs careful consideration and ignoring it or not taking it lightly is deadly but also overreacting with panic and fear is also deadly, maybe even more, in the long run. We just saw a headline about someone freakin stealing toilet paper from a car, TOILET PAPER! This is what we've become, stealing freakin toilet paper and ruining someone's care in the process. Clearly this nation is not reacting well and the panic and crime will only get worse. When will people start murdering over toilet paper? I think ignoring that possiblity is as oblivious as ignoring how deadly the coronavirus is.

In my opinion, it's shocking how pathetically underprepared this county was to go remote/digital the instance something like this hit. I'm typing this in my office where clients have visited all day because a lot of them refuse to email their tax documents in because they want paper. If the govt invested in our school systems more then perhaps they would've been able to go digital immediately. Overall, with modern technology, there's no excuse for this country to not be more prepared for this than simply ignorance. Now, we have to focus on damage control, how can we manage and slow this down while continuing to work towards a vaccine while keeping a functioning economy? I think both sides have gone about it poorly. I have my own ideas but I'm sure nobody on here cares.
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Re: Will there be a football season?

Post by buckmarkduck »

StevensTechU wrote:
lukeyrid13 wrote:I'm not trying to argue or anything, I legitimately want to have a discussion about it since I seem to be in the minority with my personal perceptions...

Do you have link showing potentially 1.5 million deaths?

Infection and death rates in: China, South Korea and Japan are all slowing. The total number of present cases pales in comparison to that of flu/influenza. The mortality rate is higher, I won't dispute that but the prevalence, at least for now is nowhere close.

The flu this year: (USA only)
- 29 million infected
- 280k hospitalized
- 16k died

Maybe the lesson is we should take the flu more seriously but the snowball effect of shutting down the world just doesn't compute for me personally yet.
https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watc ... ve-us-toll

South Korea is really the one 'success story' of a country that had numbers increasing and found a way to stop the ground swell. They were able to roll out widespread testing of all ages, not just the old and very sick, making possible to quarantine those individuals showing little to no symptoms before they give it to others. Additionally, and I'm going to cut and paste directly from a friend here:

"I just arrived to Seoul yesterday. I thought this was cool: we receive emergency alerts every time someone new is diagnosed with a list of their previous locations so we know where to avoid"

Seeing as how we have one of the most robust hospital systems (more ICU beds per capita of any large country), are a wealthy nation, etc., it seems like we were playing with a full deck, yet the number of new deaths is doubling about every 3-4 days.
South Korea is also the smaller land wise than the state of Oregon. They are surrounded by water, and then a DMZ to the north. People aren't traveling around not giving a crap that their is a lock down. They also don't have the amount of diabetes and obesity that we have here. Much easier to contain the virus there. They also have a society that has prepared for life, for a emergent situation like this. They just thought it would be a bio or nuclear bomb coming their way. Americans live like we have nothing to fear, and if the government tells us to do something, over half the people say "f that, I don't believe you. This is America and I'm free to do what I want."
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Re: Will there be a football season?

Post by SuperDuck »

I hate to be a negaduck, but I think there's zero chance of having a football season this year. The general consensus by most high ranking medical professionals is that even if the virus does begin to slow down during the summer months, they expect it to be back again in the fall. If there's any risk at all to the players or the fans, I just don't see how they can possibly play the games.
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Re: Will there be a football season?

Post by Merganzer »

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Re: Will there be a football season?

Post by UOducksTK1 »

SuperDuck wrote:I hate to be a negaduck, but I think there's zero chance of having a football season this year. The general consensus by most high ranking medical professionals is that even if the virus does begin to slow down during the summer months, they expect it to be back again in the fall. If there's any risk at all to the players or the fans, I just don't see how they can possibly play the games.
Yup, this. I've already mentally prepared for no football this fall.

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Re: Will there be a football season?

Post by GoDucksIn09 »

Simply a question. Many schools rely on football to fund their other sports. If you lose the funding of football how do the other sports survive. I do not have the answers but the financial impact of losing football will be huge to some of the schools that rely on the money from it.
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Re: Will there be a football season?

Post by woundedknees »

GoDucksIn09 wrote:Simply a question. Many schools rely on football to fund their other sports. If you lose the funding of football how do the other sports survive. I do not have the answers but the financial impact of losing football will be huge to some of the schools that rely on the money from it.
Why, Mister Emmertz will surely step up to the ole NCAA coffers and open up them doors to the vault where they save up all that cash they been hoarding for just such an occasion, cause that's what it's there for, right???

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Re: Will there be a football season?

Post by pezsez1 »

I can't even imagine what might need to happen in order for football season to be played... but I'll try. Here are two scenarios that might allow for sports:

1) A treatment is found that dramatically reduces the number of COVID deaths. This is a real possibility, but it's also a complete toss-up. I guess it's probably our best hope. We don't yet have any known treatments with any meaningfully positive results, but a lot could change over the next few months. If we can find a treatment to reduce severe symptoms, then "let this run its course" becomes an actual viable option. Until then, we can't simply let this run its course without condemning hundreds of thousands of people to drown in their own lung fluid. No thanks. COVID is a terrible way to die.

2) School starts on schedule, but all classes are online. Student athletes are required to live on campus in order to be quarantined from the general public. They're tested daily. And we'd only play against schools that hold themselves to the same standards. Games are played with no fans in the stands. This sounds like a logistical nightmare that, while possible, would require a degree of vision that is lacking from the top of our government. And man, I'm sorry to make a political statement, but it's true. Love our hate our leadership, but it doesn't possess nor empower visionary thinking.

Time for us to cheer on those scientists and medical researchers! I really hope they find a treatment to prevent the worst-case symptoms. Do that, and COVID suddenly becomes a mild flu that sometimes requires medication.... and then, we could have football.
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Re: Will there be a football season?

Post by Merganzer »

Very well, said. ^^^^
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Re: Will there be a football season?

Post by buckmarkduck »

Read an article today, that basically says a hospital in New York has started using plasma from patients who have gotten over the virus. The results sound promising, but we still have a ways to go.
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Re: Will there be a football season?

Post by Bud Lee »

Didn’t think so several weeks ago, but now I think we will
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Re: Will there be a football season?

Post by UOducksTK1 »

Bud Lee wrote:Didn’t think so several weeks ago, but now I think we will
However, if we do it'll look way different than anything else we've experience.

Do Not Fear. Isaiah 41:13
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