Dr Cripples Presents Lukey/Dd10 Interview of the century

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Dr Cripples Presents Lukey/Dd10 Interview of the century

Post by UOducksTK1 »

Hello and welcome to this episode of Dr. Cripples. I have a background of taking old, broken players who get hurt every playoffs and turning them into champions. OK sure… I also had the FBB game file, but the important thing is I want to help fix broken things.

Today, I try to diagnose and cure a disease worse than the sigma variant of covid. I present to you, dd10snoop28 and lukeyrid13.

One GM does anything he can to win! Nothing is off limits, even friends. Is he the most hated GM?

Or is this all a propaganda machine fabricated by another GM, who is trying to redirect the hate away from him so that he can get away with his schemes?

We bring these two together to get down to the truth in hopes to bring some resolution to this drama.

Thanks for joining me guys.

Thx TK1, glad to be here. Look forward to the opportunity to dive deep into the wiles of lukeyrid so that the people are not so easily swayed by his persuasive methods...either old gm’s or new. In fact, I hope we get an opportunity to explore how he has managed the majority of the league to side in his favor.

Facts don’t care about your feelings.

Oh wow, shots fired before the opening question. Well, before we get to covering these controversial issues, let’s give some history to the newer GMs. Lukey, is it true that you cried when playoff MVP Ralph Sampson left your championship team for the bottom-feeder Nets during free agency (thanks to their 20 illegal NIL deals and unlimited steroid supply)?

I think the important thing to point out there, is that I had built up a championship winning squad fully on my own, that was set to be a dynasty. The Nets at that time were arguably the worst team in the league. Clear distinction in GM quality of the two squads

And I may or may not have thrown my phone on the ground when FA results came out with Ralph being swindled and bamboozled into joining the Nets.

It’s a great city, I think that has been well established at this point.

Poor Lukey, instead of throwing your phone at the floor, might I recommend protesting peacefully on the forum instead?

It seems like before things got serious for dd10 on a league-wide scale, the drama started with the signing of Ralph Sampson:
Was this maybe what caused the Nets to lose it? Or was he always this way and this was the beginning of his exposure?

Well, I think –

I am not surprised that the only way the blazers/celtics/grizz build teams is through swindling newer gm’s at the right time, and then support each other to make the trade not seem as bad. Perfect example is lakers/celtics trade recently....but I digress.

Dd10, please don’t interrupt.we don't want this to get out of hand and for you to somehow make me the bad guy. That’s just ludicrous.

As I was trying to say…

Crippled Celtics with players all over 35 yrs old happen to win the championship in his only season as commissioner? But I digress.... Get ready for lots of digressing.

BRB, Q2 Taxes…

Can we mute dd10 out of the room for the next 2 questions, please? Thank you. and security be on standby.

**technical team mutes dd10 mic** (Offtheheezy head of technical team)

The Nets have an inferiority complex and know that the only success they’ve had is with other players.
So when the truth comes at them from other teams in the league, they wilt, because they know the truth, but just try to deny it

Wow, very well said. Too bad dd10 was censored. One can only hope that statement may have changed his perspective on life.

Lukey, did it seem unfair that dd10 landed Ralph “fairly” and then pointed to you as antifa, on the following open day?
Is it possible his message was auto corrected as he meant to refer to you as Aunt Ifa? (Which would be considered a term of endearment?)

Well what he meant, and what is actually true is that I am Antifa. Anti FA (free agency) after the whole Ralph debacle.

And it did make me want to burn down buildings.

Wow anti FA *mind blown*. Dd10, it sounds like your statement was well received, maybe you’re not so bad after all?

dd10, it is pretty clear after you went over the hard cap, many GMs in the league turned on you. There are rumors that lukey led an insurrection meeting earlier that day, convincing DrBradBuss, offtheheezy, cellar-door, and others to slander the Nets in return for gummy worms and 2nd round considerations. How serious are these allegations if true? And do you think there is evidence for this?

**heezy unmutes dd10 mic**

There are no rumors... it was pretty obvious to see. A coordinated effort to eradicate the nets organized by none other than lukeyrid. Heezy and cellar came at me particularly hard for going over the hardtop by like $50k loll. cellar had a moment of redemption in calling out the Celtics trade with the Lakers recently so give him partial credit.

That really was the turning point in the league when I realized I was the Lone Ranger.... Lukey committing outright fraud and 3 pages of outrage for me going $50k over the league. Is it coincidence that all the suspicious and nefarious crew came out of the woodworks at the same time ? Coincidence?! I think not.

Lots of name dropping GMs that aren’t here that can defend themselves. Interesting. To the defense of dd10, that thread did seem to escalate more than all the other times GMs have gone over the hard cap.

There’s nothing to coordinate. When you are continually in the wrong, others will notice and catch on

Nets are the thief getting mad they got caught, when really, they need to completely reevaluate their life, cause they are the root problem. But they’re too busy blaming others to notice their life is going off the rails

Guys guys… we need to slow down the finger pointing. it sounds like you two could never be friends in real life…

Definitely not friends and I can’t imagine anyone ever trusting him. He can’t even do sim league math, what does he do in his real life job?

Lukey, let’s shift gears by addressing another egregious issue: The Nets lack of capitalizing the first letter of each sentence. It seems like they have no problem capitalizing on “friends” and a “simulation” game that just randomly favors the Nets frequently. How concerning is a sentence like this the following after going over the hard cap:
“my b. miscalculated that one. I even offered MLE too so not sure how I messed up so bad.”
(Addressing both grammatical issues and the excuse to clear his name)

Could we find a less objective moderator next time? Maybe have nuggets be the moderator so he can leak all the questions to lukeyrid beforehand? That’s an idea.

Why? I’m batting 1.000 in my fact checks? Please don’t interrupt Lukey…

I’m not sure the Nets are even smart enough to manipulate anyone. Which your selected quote further emboldens that point.

No, the Nets are likely psychopathic with only selfish intent and that leads to him burning others and a complete disregard for rules and authority and thus his insensitivity to any potential consequences.

You’re starting to sound like a broken record, you didn’t even address the grammatical concerns,but went straight to personal attacks. Let’s start to dive into some of Lukey’s behavior.

Moving on to –

Key phrase: “selected quote”... it seems like we are getting a lot of selected quotes which just so happen to favor the blazers. Here is a better question: How did blazers go unpunished for playing a guard out of position at PG during the first round of playoffs? No good answer.

You don’t always have to have the first and last words Dd10…

Anyway dd10, it seems like when you commit an offense which is a self-claimed “accident” and “oh my b”, that you get a lot of negative press and a ton of GMs hounding you, but when Lukey goes over the hard cap or when he plays a SG illegally at the wrong position of the playoffs, no one seems to care. Do you think Lukey’s fake news should be censored? And should he be banned from the forum if he continues to use words that cause insurrections?

First fair question so far.

I’m not so much concerned with his posse of guys like TK1, nuggets gm, and heezy, but more so the people that could be manipulated in certain cases. I think a good measurement for if one is unreasonable and susceptible to coercion, is if you didn’t vote for Vlad in the HOF vote. Tall-tell sign.

If we reflect a little bit on the goose-chase when I went over the cap, who joined in on the fray?

What is the commonality between these 3? No championships since trying to take me down, and they probably didn’t vote for Vlad.

Maybe obvious to you, but apparently not obvious to others. I do notice those who get riled up against you seem to have some bad juju with you. But what about Craig? Did it hurt a little more when someone a little less expecting called you out?
(Craig: “Nets been pumping up Vlad for the past 5 seasons in the longest con of the league lol

Is Craig right to call out your exaltation of Vlad a con? Are you manipulating other GMs?

And we’ll get to Vlad in a second…

At this point, I’m not surprised with anybody that comes out of the woodworks to come after me. Probably Lukey and his crew are recruiting pistolpete to conspire against me as we speak. Subpoena the pm’s!

All I know is only one GM had a voided offer this off-season and it was….wait, nevermind, that’s unimportant

It’s almost as if lukey is making a mockery of our alleged “DASL justice system” knowing that the full force of the rules won’t apply to him. Although when you have the mob on your side, the rules no longer apply.

It sounds like nets want to cause an insurrection. We should create a committee to investigate this!

Drain the DASL swamp!!!

Wow,things escalated really quickly and oddly. And political? Maybe this interview was a bad idea. Maybe no one will chime into my next interview.

Like I said before the interview, no one will remotely enjoy this article, but it’s hilarious to me, so it’s still worth it.

Ya, totally. That's what I’m thinking too! I am trying to integrate others, but finding it hard to direct my vitriol anywhere else lol. But I am enjoying this.

Well let’s see how much you enjoy this!
There’s been a lot of accusations from the dd10 that lukey is starting a coup against him with misinformation and pushing false narratives. Lukey, do you think there is some hypocrisy coming from dd10 as he pushes the false narrative that Vlad is a 10 time MVP, a hall of famer, and has the ability to re-enter the draft at 40 under a different name and age?

viewtopic.php?f=27&t=36383&p=500797&hilit=Vlad#p500797 (See thread that shows him ripping off his “friend” by gathering 2 top 10 picks among a plethora of asserts)

Another excellent find. Again, the Nets are living in their own world with their own rules. Is there any greater representation of the troubled mind leading the “city” of New Jersey. This man is not stable.

Interesting you went straight into attacking Dd10 instead of showing any empathy towards the Nuggets GM, or trying to explain to us why Vlad is all hype.

We are running out of time and brain cells, so let me get to a couple last questions

dd10, to lukey’s Mormon followers and what would you like to say to them?

I just want to say that I value you for who YOU are, not who you are for my own personal benefit.

Wow, that may be the first real moment of this interview. Thank you Dd10 to showing us your genuine side. I really-

Except heezy/nuggets gm/tk1. You guys are a lost cause.

Oh and Tier 1 (outright cheaters who have not been held responsible)
-lukey (nothing needs to be said)
-heezy (magic…cmon)
-nuggets gm (leaker)

Tier 2
-ownage (he could’ve done more cheating as commish so I respect the restraint, but c’mon…remember that guy who was just an average player for 10 season on the celtics and then turned into a star on mavs at age 33? Similar to the heezy situation with Magic where Magic turned into an all-world player at 37 years old… get ready for LaPhonso Ellis to turn into a 30 ppg scorer soon…. Additionally, he had the opportunity to sanction the blazers and didn’t.
-Craig (he gets superstars somehow and then keeps them for dynasty forever; mostly through lotto “luck” and creation draft… suspicious….additionally, his animosity towards Vlad leads one to consider his loyalties…)
-TK1 (gets to championships with his best players being 37 and 39 years old… and also wins a championship in only season as commish? outright guilty)
-skyhooker (the worst 8-seed in the history of DASL beats me in 5 games? I guess that’s what happens when you expose the conspiracy… consequences.. )
-spurs gm (extremely suspicious…. Championship in the first season…? Ya right..)

Tier 2(a)
-cellar (he came after me hard during the hard cap hoax… a bit too hard… very suspicious)
-Bradbuss, Thegoat, Marzeail (they all turned on me during hardcap-gate so who knows…. Some could plead that this was out of ignorance so I put them in 2a)

Tier 3 (unknown - could possibly join the cult)
-all new gm’s

Tier 4 (solid; they get it)
-bean regime (best one of the bunch!)
-bellsduck / Briezy (no bounces gone their way so unlikely they have cheated)
-heat gm (I believe he is a good guy, high hopes for him)

Also want to mention the glaring correlation between being a Vlad hater and being a nefarious gm (skyhooker/tk1/).... But I don’t blame them when Vlad takes your lunch every year in the playoffs and takes the unclutch, supposed “Goat after Ralph” Moses to school..

Just when I thought you guys were turning the corner… Oh well, you might as well write that into an article. Oh wait, you already did a GM ranking with your own personal vendettas attributed with *’s.

Dd10, when can we expect a new GM rankings with tons of asterisk?

No asterisks needed at this point. I suppose the only asterisk that is needed should be on the sole championship of the blazers... that is, because they had to overcome the playoff liability that is Michael Jordan, and solely relied on Ralph Sampson who wisely concluded it was best to leave the Anti FA Blazers after winning a championship in spite of 3rd-best MJ’s best attempt to have them lose. Sampson never wanted to play in Antifa-ville, but was forced to stay there due to contractual obligations and tyrannical GM.

He found solace in the loving arms of New Jersey.

^ Greatest city on earth


This may be a good time to reflect on the top 3 mj’s of all time:
1- Mitchell Jordan (clutch performer, top PG of all-time, would be 3x champ if not for nefarious activities) by previously mentioned actors.

2- Magic Johnson: Suddenly turned into an MVP between ages 37-43. However, he was clutch.

3- Michael Jordan: Regular season performance. Zero clutches. The supposed best player of the last decade, but continually fails in the playoffs. Got dominated by the real MJ in finals.

No one asked you who the top 3 MJs are… Interesting, well I’m sure everyone is really looking forward to your Gm rankings again…. Please don’t edit them once they’ve been released like you did here:
http://www.ducksattack.com/forum/viewto ... 41&t=38845
Which was quite heinous because we saw dd10 not only edit an article 3 times, but he changed the answers of some GMs.

But if you think that’s controversial, I’ve saved the best for last:
Oregon ownage has taken the responsible but perhaps political route by not voicing a strong opinion one way or another. Do you get the sense that he views you two as high school girls bickering about menial things? Or do you foresee a ruling coming soon that would strike down one side strongly?

While I may have previously cast aspersions in OO’s direction for lack of decisiveness in holding lukeyrid accountable, there is a slight likelihood that he has fooled us all into thinking that he is taking a non-partisan view while operating behind the scenes to hold lukey accountable. Could it be possible that he has really been playing 4d chess all along?

Consider this…. Since lukey has been up to his nefarious schemes, how have the blazers fared into the playoffs? hmmm.. Also, what has been his fortune in retaining high-profile players in free agency since he created the hard-cap hoax? hmmm… the only area that lukey is able to cheat is in scooting around free agency rules, depth chart rules, hard cap rules, and lopsided trades… and he has done those repeatedly. One must wonder how much the invisible and wise hand of Ownage has “corrected” the nefarious activities of said lukeyrid! We may never know…

On the other hand, it may be possible that he has simply failed in his position of oversight to hold the most nefarious GM in DASL history responsible….in which case, I suggest now is the time to give the power back to the people! Let them decide if lukey has escaped the righteous right hand of lady justice. Let democracy decide!

I hereby petition DASL for a special counsel to investigate the nefarious and dangerous activities of lukeyrid.

The Nets don’t want democracy, they want a dictatorship. I’d rather live in a country run by Kim Jong than the Nets

We already had Kim John run the league when TK1 took over in Ownage’s absence…

No comment, I can see things are getting out of hand and there’s clearly no hope for either of you.

Any closing statements before we wrap this up?

Let’s end this on a positive note. Blazers say something nice about me and I’ll say something nice bac

I’m Johnny Depp to the Nets Amber Heard.

Kinda true.

Well and there you have it…

Closing statements are done. Thanks for joining us on the first, and more than likely, the last episode of Dr Cripples ever.

Sorry for wasting your time. Here’s something worth your while to open the conspiracy bucket. Here dd10 snoop is claiming that lukey is using Offtheheezy to push his agendas, yet wasn’t it dd10 who offloaded Sampson (and championships) to the Grizzlies for Drazen? It seems strange to steal from lukey the best player in the league and then give him away and had championships to Offtheheezy. Until next time!!

*End of interview, mics are off*

Vote to hold Anti-Fa Blazers accountable!

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Re: Dr Cripplers Presents Lukey/Dd10 Interview of the centur

Post by Craig »

Love it :lol:
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Re: Dr Cripplers Presents Lukey/Dd10 Interview of the centur

Post by offtheheezy »

Head of technical team :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nets are just upset that they:
1. Traded their mediocre player for 2 top 10 picks to a new GM that was their friend
2. Signed the most recent Finals MVP off FA
3. Cheated hard cap rules by bidding over what they were allowed to -- after getting that all-star as a salary dump from an inactive GM (you forgot this infamous trade TK: https://ducksattack.com/forum/viewtopic ... 27&t=36710)

and then ended up getting beat the Grizzlies with Magic/Drazen anyways in a not-so-competitive 5 games :lol:
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Re: Dr Cripplers Presents Lukey/Dd10 Interview of the centur

Post by lukeyrid13 »

^ Nets are great at losing in 5 games
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Re: Dr Cripplers Presents Lukey/Dd10 Interview of the centur

Post by UOducksTK1 »

offtheheezy wrote:Head of technical team :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nets are just upset that they:
1. Traded their mediocre player for 2 top 10 picks to a new GM that was their friend
2. Signed the most recent Finals MVP off FA
3. Cheated hard cap rules by bidding over what they were allowed to -- after getting that all-star as a salary dump from an inactive GM (you forgot this infamous trade TK: https://ducksattack.com/forum/viewtopic ... 27&t=36710)

and then ended up getting beat the Grizzlies with Magic/Drazen anyways in a not-so-competitive 5 games :lol:
Wow forgot about that trade! Ha, oh Nets!

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Re: Dr Cripples Presents Lukey/Dd10 Interview of the century

Post by The Bean Regime »

Trade was completely legal at the time. Only prompted rule change after. Stay mad! :P

Not like those Blazers smh
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Re: Dr Cripples Presents Lukey/Dd10 Interview of the century

Post by duckyoubeavers »

all time article :lol:
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Re: Dr Cripples Presents Lukey/Dd10 Interview of the century

Post by jibbajabba614 »

I petition we change our team name to the Milwaukee Huskies…

I do not want to be associated with the DASL 1.0 GM…

Good read…
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Re: Dr Cripples Presents Lukey/Dd10 Interview of the century

Post by Foxyg1396 »

UOducksTK1 wrote:
I’m not sure the Nets are even smart enough to manipulate anyone.
I have to say that I was manipulated by my supposed "friend" someone who was supposed to help me become a more reliable and competent GM. I do think that DD is underestimated in his intelligence, but maybe that is on me as a person for allowing someone so vile to persuade me into "The best player of DASL". I made a promise to myself not to deal any firsts, or notable players to this disgrace of a GM because my "friend" took advantage of me and I won't let that happen again.
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Re: Dr Cripples Presents Lukey/Dd10 Interview of the century

Post by FlDuckFan »

I like that I've been around since the start of DASL 1.0 and I'm still lumped in with the new guys in tier 3 as unknown.
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Re: Dr Cripples Presents Lukey/Dd10 Interview of the century

Post by pistolpetejr »

I legit have no words for y’all hahaha.

Except this: Hey Nets, don’t worry about me, no one will manipulate me and no one is trying to recruit me loool

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Re: Dr Cripples Presents Lukey/Dd10 Interview of the century

Post by Foxyg1396 »

Also kinda weird that DD can’t even say foxy, he just says nuggets gm. That’s weird to me
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Re: Dr Cripples Presents Lukey/Dd10 Interview of the century

Post by dd10snoop28 »

FlDuckFan wrote:I like that I've been around since the start of DASL 1.0 and I'm still lumped in with the new guys in tier 3 as unknown.
well, the whole tiered system was based on nefariousness (not experience) and so I was unsure where u fit in that tiered system.
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Re: Dr Cripples Presents Lukey/Dd10 Interview of the century

Post by Foxyg1396 »

Despite the horrific realization of just how sleezy and slimey the Nets are, I think all 3 of the participants should get bonuses. The amount of time put in for all was similar to the time requirement of an article. That’s just me though
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Re: Dr Cripples Presents Lukey/Dd10 Interview of the century

Post by Goose! »

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